Honorary Professor, University of Fribourg
Honorary Chairman, ICC International Court of Arbitration
For over a generation, Pierre Tercier, born in 1943, has been one of the most respected legal scholars in the Switzerland. He has authored more than 250 legal writings, focusing on contract law and international arbitration, among which there are several treatises that have become instant classics.
Pierre Tercier has extensive experience in international arbitration, having chaired the ICC International Court of Arbitration and having served many times in ICC cases. Pierre Tercier was also Chairman of the Swiss Commission on Competition, the Swiss Cartel Commission and the Swiss Insurance Law Society. He has researched and taught law at many universities, including Cambridge University, Columbia Law School, the Max-Planck Institut for private international law in Hamburg and the Universities of Paris I (Panthéon-Sorbonne), Paris II (Panthéon-Assas) and Paris IV. He also has been Dean of Fribourg University Law School.
Selected publications:
(In co-operation with Pascal Pichonnaz et H. Murat Develioğlu) Borçlar Hukuku - Genel Hükümler, Ed. On iki Levha, Istanbul, 2016, 636 pages. ISBN 978-605-152-355-2.
(In co-operation with Christian Roten) La recherche et la rédaction juridiques, 7e éd., Zurich 2016, 567 p. ISBN : 978-3-7255-8521-2.
(In co-operation with Laurent Bieri et Blaise Carron) Les contrats spéciaux, 5e éd., Genève/Zurich/Bâle 2016, 1266 p. ISBN : 978-3-7255-6891-8.
(In co-operation with Marc Amstutz et Rita Trigo Trindade) Edition de l'ouvrage: Commentaire Romand, Code des obligations II, 2e éd. Bâle 2017, 3732 p. ISBN 978-3-7190-3169-5.
Working languages
Areas of Expertise
Investment Arbitration
International Dispute Settlement
European Law
International Environmental law
Construction Law
Energy Law
Public International Law
- Role